
To get started, simply call my office and state that you would like to schedule an initial appointment.  Please feel free to leave a confidential voicemail in the event that I am unavailable to answer the phone.  I will return your call within 24 hours to schedule.  Generally, I try very hard to schedule an appointment with you within a week of your first call. Time-sensitive needs are given prompt attention.  If I am unable to provide the support you need, I will try to provide an appropriate referral.

Psychotherapy sessions are by appointment only with day, evening and Saturday availability.  Depending on your scheduling needs, appointments can be either in-person or via telehealth. Coverage for service depends on your insurance plan.  Many plans provide some coverage for psychological services, but there is variability in terms of deductibles and co-pays.  For your convenience, I will submit your claims for you.  Deductible and copayments will be collected at the time of service.  For clients paying cash, discounts may be available.

Existing clients may access the client portal to schedule.  Click here.